
People at a Conference

Partnering for
effectiveness and excellence.



The Office of Organizational Excellence serves as a resource to support the University’s priorities, enable core missions, and advance the University’s strategic plan.

Vision: Unleash and amplify the impact of UVA


Practical Design Thinking Techniques for Innovation

Zoom/Online - Access information will be provided to registrants

At large universities, community members face daily challenges in education, research, and administration that don’t have easy solutions. Too often...


Design Thinking Short Session, Three OE Learning Programs, 2023-24 OE Annual Report, OE Welcomes Student Interns, NCCI Conference Materials

Workshop: Intro to Facilitation for Collaborative Leaders, “Golden Hour” Live Music Experience, iTHRIV Retreat to Support NIH Proposal, Colleagues Learning Together: Darden Ctr for Global Initiatives, Appreciative Practices


April Appreciative QCore; Leading Change in Higher ED Wrkshp; NCCI 2024 Annual Conf; Nursing – Strategic Plan; Engin-ODEE Team; Archives Leadership Cohort; Team Relationships; Surveys & 6 Ways of Better Mtgs


members of the community engaged with OE on initiatives and programs (2023-24)


likelihood of OE partners to recommend OE (2023-24)


rated content of OE learning programs applicable to their work (2023-24)