April 2024

Appreciative Practices for Organizational Change

Appreciative Inquiry is an organizational change methodology that identifies and builds on strengths to achieve one’s goals. Appreciative practices are simple actions that capitalize on the underlying tenets of appreciative inquiry to improve outlook, generate positive energy, and inspire growth.
This session will explore how to incorporate appreciative practices into our daily lives to enhance our experiences both at work and in life.
Presenter: Dr. Julie Haizlip - Clinical Professor at UVA School of Nursing and Faculty in the UVA School of Medicine's Department of Pediatrics
When: May 8, 2024, 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Details: Holloway Hall - Room 116, Bavaro Hall (In-Person) 
Register Now

Leading Change in Higher Education - Free Virtual Workshop

Leading Change in Higher Education will highlight the Change Leadership Toolkit (CLT), a step-by-step, research-based guidebook for leaders engaged in projects that touch multiple departments, divisions, or units and require deep and meaningful changes to policies, procedures, norms, and cultures.

When: May 23, 2024, at 3:00 – 4:30pm
To Register: Workshop Registration

REGISTER TODAY: NCCI 2024 Annual Conference
Rancho Mirage, California, July 24–26

The Network for Change and Continuous Innovation (NCCI) annual conference provides opportunities to share insights and solutions about organizational change, process improvement, strategic planning, and innovation in higher education. Network with peers and learn actionable strategies.
Learn more about the 4 pre-conference offerings, 36 education sessions, and keynote speakers. When registering, enter “University of Virginia” to access institutional member benefits and pricing.

Is Your Strategic Plan Strategic? The School of Nursing (SON) Solicits Feedback on Their Draft Plan

Currently, the SON is gathering insights from their faculty and staff on their draft plan, Our Extraordinary Future: Inspiring Excellence, Advancing Health. While many engaged in the creation of the various parts of the plan, this is an opportunity to consider the impact of the whole plan.
The review includes looking at strategic alignment and impact, gathering unanswered questions, and considering what it will take to successfully implement. One part of the review is to consider the four outcomes of strategy and reflect upon the purpose and impacts of their plan.

Four Outcomes of Strategy 
(source: Ian Symonds) 
  • Missional Mandate - Achieving this aligns with our mission
  • Competitive Imperative - Achieving this is responsive or “catch up” to our marketplace demands  
  • Element of Distinction - Achieving this positions us as the only one of a kind in a specific category
  • Revenue Generation - Achieving this will produce revenue which can be invested back into programs and priorities.

Engineering‘s Diversity, Equity, and Engagement (ODEE) Team – Strengthening the Organization Through Relationships

The ODEE team, in the School of Engineering and Applied Science, gathered to strengthen their connection and alignment. Through a series of facilitated activities, they explored their relationships and collaboration styles, clarified roles and expectations, and developed actionable steps to enhance how they work together. Going forward, the team now has a shared set of guiding principles and a defined path of action steps. 

Archives Leadership Institute Selects 2024 Cohort

OE is partnering with the University Library on a 3-year grant from the National Archives to develop leaders among archivists and memory workers. The first cohort has been selected: Archives Leadership Cohort
The Institute will focus on leadership topics including Self Knowledge and Individual Growth, Organizational Leadership, and Responsible Stewardship and Partnerships.

Understand Team Relationships and Surface Essential Needs

At the ODEE retreat, two Liberating Structures were used to meet specific team needs:
STAR for Generative Relations - STAR allows a group to better understand their working dynamics, identify changes for improvement, and collaboratively design action steps.  
What I Need from You (WINFY) - WINFY simplifies communication by providing a straightforward method for expressing needs and making requests, leading to clear responses and better understanding of needs and expectations.


Conducting a Survey?
Kara Fitzgibbon, Director Center for Survey Research at the Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service, led an OE-sponsored session in March about best practices and pitfalls in survey design. 

Did you know…
Six Ways to Hold Better Meetings
How do you feel when a meeting is cancelled?  At the Standford Graduate School of Business, Matt Abrahams thinks most people are thrilled. Why? Abrahams maintains that meetings often lack a clear purpose and are used as a substitute for clear and consistent communications.  He offers tips for how to hold “well run meetings that are productive, that you look forward to, and that good things come from.” Give these ideas a try!

Want a thought partner in redesigning meetings and applying tools to achieve the meeting’s purpose? Contact us at orgex@virginia.edu.

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