Cre8tive Leadership: How to Create, Communicate & Implement Big Ideas

Start Date
End Date
Rouss Robertson, Room 120
Chic Thompson

At the heart of innovation is the introduction of something new that adds value. These new ideas help you see a vision for the future, achieve simplicity for a complex task, arrive at a consensus to end a conflict, or generate new revenue in times of budget cuts. In this Quality CORE Network session, Chic Thompson will take you on an interactive journey through the steps of strategic curiosity that foster a mindset of innovation:

  1. Be Curious First...Critical Second: When you see or hear a new idea, be “curious first” to explore the possibilities and be “critical second” to calculate the probabilities
  2. Look for Second & Third "Right" Answers: Reframe your challenge and see it from different perspectives to generate fresh new solutions
  3. The Question is the Answer: Ask great questions to reveal new ideas
  4. Think in Opposites: Act on opposite/paradoxical trends and turn obstacles into an opportunity
  5. DIY Brainstorming: Come up with ideas when you're stuck, arms crossed, and staring at your computer
  6. Keep Your Brain Alive: Keep your mind sharp so you can come up with ideas anytime and any place