ResearchUVa is Live

ResearchUVa is Live

The Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) developed ResearchUVA to provide easy access to track/view research proposals and awards and manage grants and contracts. ResearchUVA provides a single entry point for all research-related financial and compliance sites.

This first phase of this project provides each faculty member with a read-only portal to their research proposals and awards. During the next several months, ResearchUVA teams will continue to scan documents, add to the available information, and deliver more functionality like the ability to search the abstracts of funded awards.

Those with immediate access include:

  • All faculty with an active research proposal or award
  • Administrators who are named as a fiscal contact on a research award
  • Deans
  • Associate deans have immediate access

Requests for access or questions or concerns should be submitted via email.

FAQs are available within the application, and an optional on-line tour will soon be available in the system.